Living n Learning by Amy

Archive for the ‘Volunteer’ Category

Weekends always seem to fly by, especially during the summer when there is so much going on.  I hope everyone had a great weekend like I did.

Friday after work I hung out with my BFF Chelsea.  We went to the Wisconsin Valley Fair to see Rodney Atkins perform (sorry no pictures).  It was a good show, but not the best I have ever seen.  After the show we walked to the other end of the midway so I could get the best cheese curds at the fair.  They lived up to the expectations I held for them from last year so all is good in the world.  By the time Chelsea and I walked back to the other end of the midway she and I decided we needed monkey tails as well.  I go for simple and just have mine dipped in chocolate.  Chelsea gets a little crazy and gets crunch put on as well.  We called it a night at the fair pretty early since we had an early morning coming up.

In order to sleep longer I spent the night at Chelsea’s.  5am came around really quick and it was tough to get moving as it was but had I stayed at my own house I would have needed to be up even earlier to factor in the drive time (30 minutes) to Chelsea’s from my place.  

Chelsea works at the YMCA here in town so she of course volunteered to help out at the triathlon that the YMCA puts on every year.  Being Chelsea’s BFF I get roped into volunteering as well.  We had to be at the site by 5:30am to be ready to body mark.  It’s not such a bad job to write on people with huge Sharpie markers (especially the good looking men hehe…).  I have done body marking once before with Chelsea for a duathlon (spelling? spell check and the internet don’t have suggestions for this) but this was a whole new ball game.  So many more participants means so many more ups and downs.  Both arms and both legs of the participants need to be marked.  Needless to say my quads (I think…) are S.O.R.E!

Once our body marking duties were completed we got to relax in our lawn chairs under the announcer’s tent.  Our next job was to help find the participants’ numbers on the sheets for the announcer.  At first we would call out the participants as they went out on the run course (after completing the swim and bike parts) but eventually we had to focus on just those coming in to finish in front of us.  I don’t know the times of any of the finishes but it was still amazing to me to see these people complete the triathlon.

The volunteers and participants got a free lunch of subs, chips, fruit, and a soda or water.  After mowing that down eating lunch Chelsea and I headed back to her house where we slept pretty much all afternoon.  I could not imagine being a participant when getting up early and simply body marking and standing by a table under a tent wore me out so much.  After a few hours of napping I headed home to chill with the family.

I’ll finish up my weekend recap with what went on today (Sunday) tomorrow because this post is already getting pretty long.

Question for you…
Have you ever volunteered to help with an event like a triathlon or road race?



I'm a 20 something college graduate learning how to live life while working, and trying to live a healthier life.

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